
Shake It Off.

The past few nights I haven't been able to sleep. I know that most of it is that I have been desperately needing to go get acupuncture for the past 8-10 weeks for my back and shoulder.  This morning it was like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed from a non-slumberous nights sleep. Most that know me, know that I am 99.9% of the time never negative and I don't complain. Maybe it's my exhaustion or frustration of being tired that has turned me into a sour grump this morning? I'll thumb twiddle the remainder of the day, but I'm sure I pin pointed it to tossing and turning all night. But I'm going to shake off this negativity and sleepiness and enjoy the day I have before me! There is no excuse for anymore of my whining, complaint, or negativity.


One huge thing that I have learned and digested this past year is that we hold our own key to happiness. I make a daily choice to let things effect me negatively- like not sleeping etc.  Or I can choose to shake it off, because in the big picture sleep really isn't that big of a deal. Altering one thing, our attitude, will change the entire day and eventually our course of life. If you aren't happy or the day just isn't that great- either change something or change your attitude. Applying this in my life has made me more optimistic and content. There really isn't a need for complaint or negativity in life. It is all under our direct control.

Change your mind, change your attitude, and change your world.

xo- wife.


  1. Hey! good post. this is definitely something I need to work on in my own life.
    I don't know if you're into Zen much (though I imagine you would be), but theres this great documentary on instant netflix called "How to cook your life"
    it combines Zen and food/cooking, and an overall healthy and natural lifestyle that I really think you'd vibe well with!

  2. Very cool! I will have to check that out!!! I wish that I was going to be in Oklahoma to see you in a few weeks. Miss you cousin!

  3. It's a great film!
    and yeah that would be fun!
    but keep your fingers crossed that I'll be able to make it up to Denver for new years!

  4. i miss you guys! Your blog makes me happy. I feel like I'm there with you. ;o)

  5. Sean- thanks so much for the suggestion!!!! I will be so happy if you come visit! I really do miss you :)

    Dusti- I'm glad you are reading it!! Miss you and the family so much! I can't wait to meet the new little girl! You are in our hearts daily, I mean it! We think about you all everyday and send love vibes during breakfast! Seriously.
